ittcd: Kein Prozess abgebrochen rm: Entfernen von „../server*/seq“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden rm: Entfernen von „../admin*/seq“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden 3908914032 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 3908914032 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 2060467056 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2060467056 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 2872261488 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2872261488 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 491322224 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 491322224 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 2716633968 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2716633968 CTL_Work: Server is suspended Starten: 816876256 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 4 *** 816876256 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 816876256 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 6 *** 816876256 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 816876256 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 7 *** 816876256 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 816876256 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 816876256 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 816876256 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 816876256 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 816876256 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 816876256 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 816876256 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 816876256 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 816876256 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection! 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 3908914032 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 3908914032 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 3908914032 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection! 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2060467056 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2060467056 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2060467056 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection! 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2872261488 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2872261488 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2872261488 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection! 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 491322224 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 491322224 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 491322224 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection! 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2716633968 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2716633968 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2716633968 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 816876256 ADM_control: Operation completed successfully. 816876256 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 816876256 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 816876256 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 816876256 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 6 *** 816876256 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 4 *** Performing ITTC administration Done with ITTC administration Generieren: 122424032 ADM_GenKey: ### STARTING GENERATING KEY 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 4 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 6 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 7 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: ### STARTING GET PUBLIC KEY 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection! 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 3908914032 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 129 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection! 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2060467056 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 129 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection! 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2872261488 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 129 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection! 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 491322224 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 129 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection! 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2716633968 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 129 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 14 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 15 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 14 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 15 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 16 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 17 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 17 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1191237952 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1199630656 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1224808768 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 16 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 17 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 19 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1208023360 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1241594176 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 20 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 21 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 22 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1216416064 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1249986880 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 15 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 16 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 17 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1191237952 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1224808768 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1258379584 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 19 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 20 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 25 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 27 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1208023360 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1249986880 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1283557696 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 22 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1216416064 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1191237952 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1208023360 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1258379584 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1233201472 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1291950400 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1199630656 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1199630656 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1216416064 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1233201472 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1266772288 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 561 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 25 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 27 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1224808768 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1241594176 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1275164992 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1266772288 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1300343104 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1308735808 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 00000111114444433333222220000011111444443333322222000001111144444333332222200000111114444433333222221140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 done 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 done 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 done 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 done 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 done 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 done 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 done 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 done 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 done 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 done 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 done 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 done 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 done 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 done 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 done 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 done 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 done 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 done 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 done 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 done 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 done 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 done 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 done 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 done 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 done 491322224 GEN_SaveKeyToDisk: ../server3/shares/9AD00ABA.pem 491322224 GEN_GenKey: *** Distributed RSA key generated. 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 491322224 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 491322224 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 2716633968 GEN_SaveKeyToDisk: ../server4/shares/9AD00ABA.pem 2716633968 GEN_GenKey: *** Distributed RSA key generated. 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2716633968 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2716633968 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 2872261488 GEN_SaveKeyToDisk: ../server2/shares/9AD00ABA.pem 2872261488 GEN_GenKey: *** Distributed RSA key generated. 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2872261488 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2872261488 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 2060467056 GEN_SaveKeyToDisk: ../server1/shares/9AD00ABA.pem 2060467056 GEN_GenKey: *** Distributed RSA key generated. 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2060467056 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2060467056 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 3908914032 GEN_SaveKeyToDisk: ../server0/shares/9AD00ABA.pem 3908914032 GEN_GenKey: *** Distributed RSA key generated. 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 3908914032 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 3908914032 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: 4 shares for server 0. 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: 4 shares for server 1. 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: 3 shares for server 2. 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: 2 shares for server 3. 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: 2 shares for server 4. 122424032 ADM_GetPublicKey: Received all g^d 122424032 TLB_ApplyKey: Applying key 0x9AD00ABA ... 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection! 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection from client 2060467056 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 2060467056 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2060467056 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection! 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection from client 491322224 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 491322224 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 491322224 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection! 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection from client 2716633968 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 2716633968 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2716633968 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1132489024 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1132489024 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 4. 1132489024 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1132489024 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 1132489024 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1132489024 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 TLB_CheckSig: Signature matches 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Checking for corrupt servers. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 1. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 4. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 7. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 1 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 3. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 12. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 3 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 4. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 14. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 4 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 1. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 4. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 7. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 1 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 3. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 12. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 3 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 4. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 14. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 4 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 1. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 4. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 7. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 1 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 3. Performing ITTC administration Geparster Keysize Paramter: 129 Sending keysize 129 to client: Sending keysize 129 to client: Sending keysize 129 to client: Sending keysize 129 to client: Sending keysize 129 to client: Waiting for distributed key to be generated N: 3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D e: 10001 g: 1EFEF53A17EAA6906E89F8608624238D93787D31FE0A246FF2F5597D6ECCE6E29 N: 3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D e: 10001 g: 1EFEF53A17EAA6906E89F8608624238D93787D31FE0A246FF2F5597D6ECCE6E29 N: 3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D e: 10001 g: 1EFEF53A17EAA6906E89F8608624238D93787D31FE0A246FF2F5597D6ECCE6E29 N: 3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D e: 10001 g: 1EFEF53A17EAA6906E89F8608624238D93787D31FE0A246FF2F5597D6ECCE6E29 N: 3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D e: 10001 g: 1EFEF53A17EAA6906E89F8608624238D93787D31FE0A246FF2F5597D6ECCE6E29 Shared key written to '../admin0/keys/key4.rsk' KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA TLB_DoApplyKey Using coalition -1-11 Operation: TLB_OP_APPLY_DECRYPT KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00011132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 12. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 3 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 4. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = -1-11- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition -1-11 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition -1-11 using g-share 14. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 4 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Did not find any corrupt servers. 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 122424032 TLB_ApplyKey: Applying key 0x9AD00ABA ... 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1132489024 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1132489024 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection! 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection from client 491322224 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 491322224 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 491322224 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection! 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection from client 2716633968 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 2716633968 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2716633968 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1115703616 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1115703616 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection! 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection from client 2872261488 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 2872261488 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2872261488 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1132489024 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1132489024 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = --111- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 3. 1115703616 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1115703616 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 TLB_CheckSig: Signature matches 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Checking for corrupt servers. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 2. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 3. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 10. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 2 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 3. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 12. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 3 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 4. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 14. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 4 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 2. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 3. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 10. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 2 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 3. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 12. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 3 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 4. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 14. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 4 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 2. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 3. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 10. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 2 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 3. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 12. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 3 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 4. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = --111- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition --111 using d-share 2. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition --111 using g-share 14. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 4 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Did not find any corrupt servers. 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 122424032 TLB_ApplyKey: Applying key 0x9AD00ABA ... 0001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA TLB_DoApplyKey Using coalition --111 Operation: TLB_OP_APPLY_DECRYPT KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 122424032 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 122424032 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 122424032 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1115703616 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1115703616 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection! 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection from client 2060467056 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 2060467056 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2060467056 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection! 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection from client 2872261488 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 2872261488 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2872261488 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1115703616 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1115703616 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection! 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection from client 3908914032 CTL_ConFromClient: Starting new thread for client decryption 3908914032 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 3908914032 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1132489024 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1132489024 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = 111--- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 1115703616 CTL_Thread: Starting thread 1115703616 NTD_serve: [DECRYPT] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 TLB_CheckSig: Signature matches 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Checking for corrupt servers. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 0. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 0. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 0 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 1. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 4. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 1 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 2. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 8. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 2 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 0. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 0. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 0 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 1. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 4. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 1 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 2. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 8. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 2 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 0. 1132489024 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1132489024 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 0. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 0 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 1. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 4. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 1 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Validating server 2. 1115703616 NTD_serve: [HASH-SIGN] coalition = 111--- 1115703616 KEY_RSA_share_get_d: For coalition 111-- using d-share 1. 122424032 KEY_RSA_shared_key_get_gd: For coalition 111-- using g-share 8. 122424032 TLB_ValidateServer: Server 2 is not corrupt. 122424032 TLB_DoApplyKey: Did not find any corrupt servers. 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 6 *** 122424032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 4 *** B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA TLB_DoApplyKey Using coalition 111-- Operation: TLB_OP_APPLY_DECRYPT KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Requesting KeyID 9AD00ABA KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA Distributed key generation complete Done with ITTC administration 1132489024 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1115703616 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1115703616 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 7 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** Fertig: 395729632 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 4 *** 395729632 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 395729632 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 6 *** 395729632 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 395729632 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 7 *** 395729632 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 395729632 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 395729632 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 395729632 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 395729632 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 395729632 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 395729632 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 395729632 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 395729632 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 395729632 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection! 3908914032 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 3908914032 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 3908914032 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 129 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(0,0x658550,129,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x6611d0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x6696b0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x6707e0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x676530) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA ../server0/shares 9AD00ABA ../server0/shares/9AD00ABA.pem KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA GEN_GenKey done. Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection! 2060467056 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2060467056 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 2060467056 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 129 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(1,0x658550,129,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x663fc0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x66c440) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x673510) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x678f30) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA ../server1/shares 9AD00ABA ../server1/shares/9AD00ABA.pem KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA GEN_GenKey done. Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection! 2872261488 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2872261488 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 2872261488 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 129 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(2,0x658550,129,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x6611d0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x666c00) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x66d510) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x679d60) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA ../server2/shares 9AD00ABA ../server2/shares/9AD00ABA.pem KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA GEN_GenKey done. Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection! 491322224 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 491322224 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 491322224 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 129 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(3,0x658550,129,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x65b760) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x661aa0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x6674d0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x66d860) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x67a250) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA ../server3/shares 9AD00ABA ../server3/shares/9AD00ABA.pem KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA GEN_GenKey done. Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection! 2716633968 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2716633968 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 2716633968 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 129 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(4,0x658550,129,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x65c920) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x662c80) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x6681a0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x66e4d0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(129,0,0x67ac10) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 22 sieving primes, ending with 97. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA ../server4/shares 9AD00ABA ../server4/shares/9AD00ABA.pem KEY_RSA_get_ID(3B01BD82D16ED2211D28F3F9DEF706334B0AEA67B42978894D7DE895F243F0B9D,10001)=9AD10ABB ^ 00010001 = 9AD00ABA GEN_GenKey done. Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA Searching for keyID 0x9AD00ABA 0x9AD00ABA COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 395729632 ADM_control: Operation completed successfully. 395729632 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 395729632 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 395729632 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 395729632 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 6 *** 395729632 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 4 *** Performing ITTC administration Done with ITTC administration