ittcd: Kein Prozess abgebrochen rm: Entfernen von „../server*/seq“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden rm: Entfernen von „../admin*/seq“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden 2131086192 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2131086192 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 964733808 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 964733808 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 743123824 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 743123824 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 2185472880 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2185472880 CTL_Work: Server is suspended 4269357936 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 4269357936 CTL_Work: Server is suspended Starten: 1556646624 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 4 *** 1556646624 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 1556646624 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 6 *** 1556646624 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 1556646624 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 7 *** 1556646624 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 1556646624 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 1556646624 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 1556646624 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1556646624 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 1556646624 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1556646624 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1556646624 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1556646624 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1556646624 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2131086192 CTL_Work: Connection! 2131086192 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2131086192 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 2131086192 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2131086192 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2131086192 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2185472880 CTL_Work: Connection! 2185472880 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2185472880 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 2185472880 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2185472880 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2185472880 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 964733808 CTL_Work: Connection! 964733808 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 964733808 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 964733808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 964733808 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 964733808 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 743123824 CTL_Work: Connection! 743123824 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 743123824 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 743123824 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 743123824 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 743123824 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1090525504 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 4269357936 CTL_Work: Connection! 4269357936 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 4269357936 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 4269357936 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 4269357936 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 4269357936 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 1556646624 ADM_control: Operation completed successfully. 1556646624 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1556646624 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1556646624 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 1556646624 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 6 *** 1556646624 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 4 *** Performing ITTC administration Done with ITTC administration Generieren: 765983456 ADM_GenKey: ### STARTING GENERATING KEY 765983456 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 4 *** 765983456 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 765983456 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 6 *** 765983456 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 765983456 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 7 *** 765983456 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 765983456 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 765983456 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 765983456 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 765983456 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 765983456 ADM_GetPublicKey: ### STARTING GET PUBLIC KEY 765983456 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 765983456 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 765983456 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 765983456 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 765983456 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2131086192 CTL_Work: Connection! 2131086192 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2131086192 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 576 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2185472880 CTL_Work: Connection! 2185472880 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2185472880 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 576 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 964733808 CTL_Work: Connection! 964733808 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 964733808 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 576 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 743123824 CTL_Work: Connection! 743123824 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 743123824 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 576 1098918208 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 4269357936 CTL_Work: Connection! 4269357936 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 4269357936 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 576 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 14 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 15 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 16 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 17 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 19 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 11 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1208023360 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 14 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 15 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 17 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 19 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 20 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1191237952 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1216416064 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 16 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 21 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 22 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1199630656 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1224808768 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1208023360 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1233201472 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1191237952 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 22 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 25 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1216416064 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1249986880 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1241594176 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 25 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 27 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1199630656 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1224808768 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1258379584 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 27 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1266772288 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 1115703616 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 1124096320 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1124096320 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1124096320 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 1124096320 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 1124096320 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1115703616 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1115703616 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 1115703616 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 1115703616 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 1132489024 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1132489024 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 starting 1140881728 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1132489024 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 25 *** 1132489024 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 1132489024 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1140881728 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1140881728 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 1140881728 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1208023360 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1216416064 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1224808768 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1174452544 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1233201472 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1149274432 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1182845248 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1283557696 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1191237952 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1157667136 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1249986880 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1275164992 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1241594176 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1166059840 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1300343104 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1199630656 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1258379584 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1266772288 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1291950400 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 1107310912 GEN_PrepareSieve: 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. 1107310912 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 545 primes, ending with 9973. 1107310912 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 27 *** 1107310912 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 1107310912 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 1308735808 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 222224444411111000003333322222000004444411111333332222244444000001111133333424444222211111000003333344444222221111100000333334444422222111110000033333444442222200000131111333344444222221111100000333334444422222111110000033333(2)(2)(2)(4)(2)(2)(4)(4)(4)(4)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3)444442222211111000003333344444222221111100000333334444422222111110000033333444441111122222000003333344444111121222200000333334444411111222220000033333444441111122222000003333344444111112222200000333334444411111000002222233333(4)(4)(4)(4)(4)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3)444441111100000222223333344444111110000022222333334444411111000002222233333444441111122222000003333344444111112222200000333334444411111000002222233333444441111100000333332222244444111110000033333222224444411111000003333322222(4)(4)(4)(4)(4)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)444441111100000333332222244444111110000033333222224444411111000003333322222444441111100000333332222244444111110000033333222224444411111000003333322222000001111144444333332222211111000004444433333222221111100000444443333322222(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(4)(4)(4)(4)(4)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)111110000044444222223333311111000004444433333222221111100000444442222233333111110000044444222223333311111000004444422222333331111100000444442222233333111110000044444222223333311111000004444422222333331111100000444443333322222(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(4)(4)(4)(4)(4)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)111110000044444333332222211111000004444433333222221111100000444443333322222111110000044444333332222211111000004444433333222221111100000444443333322222111110000044444333332222211111000004444433333222221111100000444443333322222(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(4)(4)(4)(4)(4)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(3)(3)(3)(3)(3)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)11111444440000033333222221115703616 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 UTL_GetFNFromAll: Error in select. 1115703616 GEN_BGW: Error getting from all. 1115703616 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 has died. 1107310912 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1107310912 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1107310912 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 2. 1107310912 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1107310912 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 has died. 1115703616 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 UTL_GetFNFromAll: Error in select. 1115703616 GEN_BGW: Error getting from all. 1115703616 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 has died. 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1124096320 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 1124096320 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 has died. 1107310912 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1107310912 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1107310912 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 2. 1107310912 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1107310912 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 has died. 1115703616 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1115703616 UTL_GetFNFromAll: Error in select. 1115703616 GEN_BGW: Error getting from all. 1115703616 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 has died. 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1124096320 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 1124096320 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 has died. 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1124096320 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 1124096320 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 has died. 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1124096320 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 1124096320 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1124096320 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1124096320 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1124096320 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 has died. 1140881728 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1140881728 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1140881728 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 4. 1140881728 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1140881728 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 has died. 1140881728 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 22 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1140881728 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1140881728 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 4. 1140881728 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1140881728 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 has died. 1140881728 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1140881728 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1140881728 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 4. 1140881728 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1140881728 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 has died. 1107310912 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1107310912 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1107310912 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 2. 1107310912 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1107310912 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 has died. 1132489024 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 1115703616 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 1115703616 UTL_GetFNFromAll: Error in select. 1115703616 GEN_BGW: Error getting from all. 1115703616 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 1115703616 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1115703616 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 has died. 1140881728 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1140881728 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1140881728 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1140881728 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 4. 1140881728 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1140881728 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 1140881728 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1140881728 GEN_GM: *** Thread 4 has died. 1107310912 COM_flush_input (read): Connection reset by peer COM_flush_input: Connection reset by peer 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Done with select. 1107310912 UTL_GetFromAll: Error. 1107310912 GEN_BGW: Error getting Fi from all. 1107310912 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 2. 1107310912 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 1107310912 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1107310912 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 1107310912 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 has died. 1132489024 COM_flush: Connection reset by peer COM_flush: Connection reset by peer 1132489024 UTL_SendSameToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1132489024 GEN_BGW: Error sending to all. 1132489024 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 1132489024 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 has died. 1132489024 COM_flush: Connection reset by peer COM_flush: Connection reset by peer 1132489024 UTL_SendSameToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1132489024 GEN_BGW: Error sending to all. 1132489024 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 1132489024 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 has died. 1132489024 COM_flush: Connection reset by peer COM_flush: Connection reset by peer 1132489024 UTL_SendSameToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 1132489024 GEN_BGW: Error sending to all. 1132489024 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 1132489024 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 1132489024 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 1132489024 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 1132489024 UTL_GetFNFromAll: Error in select. 1132489024 GEN_BGW: Error getting from all. 1132489024 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 has died. 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 1132489024 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 1132489024 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 1132489024 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 has died. 2131086192 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error in GenKey 2131086192 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error-handler activated 2131086192 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2131086192 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2131086192 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 2185472880 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error in GenKey 2185472880 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error-handler activated 2185472880 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 2185472880 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2185472880 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 964733808 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error in GenKey 964733808 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error-handler activated 964733808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 964733808 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 964733808 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 4269357936 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error in GenKey 4269357936 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error-handler activated 4269357936 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 4269357936 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 4269357936 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 765983456 ADM_GetPublicKey: Begin code not OK: 765983456 ADM_GetPublicKey: ERROR: Unable to complete key generation 765983456 ADM_GenKey: Unable to get public key 765983456 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 765983456 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 765983456 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 765983456 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 6 *** 765983456 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 4 *** Performing ITTC administration Geparster Keysize Paramter: 576 Sending keysize 576 to client: Sending keysize 576 to client: Sending keysize 576 to client: Sending keysize 576 to client: Sending keysize 576 to client: Waiting for distributed key to be generated Error during ITTC administration line 26: 11738 Speicherzugriffsfehler ../bin_linux/ittcd -3 Fertig: 3251751648 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 4 *** 3251751648 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0100007f 3251751648 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 6 *** 3251751648 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0101007f 3251751648 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 7 *** 3251751648 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0102007f 3251751648 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 8 *** 3251751648 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0103007f 3251751648 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 9 *** 3251751648 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 0104007f 3251751648 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3251751648 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3251751648 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3251751648 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3251751648 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 3251751648 COM_flush: Connection refused COM_flush: Connection refused 3251751648 COM_select_v: Shutting down fd 8 3251751648 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 3251751648 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2131086192 CTL_Work: Connection! 2131086192 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2131086192 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 2131086192 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 576 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(0,0x658550,576,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x65d9b0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x664a10) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x66aa70) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x671c20) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 GEN_GenKey done. COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 2185472880 CTL_Work: Connection! 2185472880 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 2185472880 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 2185472880 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 576 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(1,0x658550,576,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x660b10) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x667cc0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x66d340) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x676c10) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 GEN_GenKey done. COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 964733808 CTL_Work: Connection! 964733808 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 964733808 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 964733808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 576 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(2,0x658550,576,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x6614f0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x666d40) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x66ec40) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x677d20) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 GEN_GenKey done. COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 1140881728 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 4269357936 CTL_Work: Connection! 4269357936 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 4269357936 CTL_ConFromAdm: Shutting down server 4269357936 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** COMMAND detected Opcode: 104 COMMAND detected Opcode: 100 Adminisrator says: generate a new key. Keysize empfangen: 576 Anzahl der Server: 5 Threshold: 3 GEN_GenKey(4,0x658550,576,0,5,3,(nil),0x6526a0,0x658ac0,0x6567f0) Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x659680) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x6614f0) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x660870) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x66b430) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 Los gehts ... Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 GEN_InitSecurity(576,0,0x670b60) Sec1 Milestone 5a Milestone 5b Milestone 6 Milestone 8 78 sieving primes, ending with 419. Milestone 9 Milestone 10 GEN_GenKey done. COMMAND detected Opcode: 101 3251751648 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 3251751648 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 3251751648 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 3251751648 COM_select_v: Selecting on closed stream 3251751648 ADM_CheckResponse: Error in select. 3251751648 ADM_Control: Unable to read header 3251751648 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 3251751648 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 7 *** 3251751648 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 6 *** 3251751648 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 4 *** Performing ITTC administration Error during ITTC administration