XXX: UTL_LoadConfigFile filename is Config.conf (UTL_ConfigParams.c) ---------------------------------------- Config Client_Log_File_0: ../client0/log (null) ; Config.conf ---------------------------------------- XXX: looking for Log_File ; deflt log XXX: check Client_Log_File_0 XXX: looking for Server_Log_File ; deflt log XXX: check Client_Log_File_0 XXX: looking for Server_Log_File_0 ; deflt log XXX: got a hit on Config.conf ==> ../server0/log XXX: UTL_OpenLogFile sname ../server0/log (UTL_Log.c) error binding to port 8100 68962496 COM_init (bind): Address already in use Unable to initialize communications. 86928288 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 68962496 CTL_Work: Connection! 68962496 CTL_Work: Connection from admin XXX: looking for Share_Dir ; deflt (null) XXX: check Client_Log_File_0 XXX: looking for Server_Share_Dir ; deflt (null) XXX: check Client_Log_File_0 XXX: looking for Server_Share_Dir_0 ; deflt (null) XXX: got a hit on Config.conf ==> ../server0/shares 68962496 CTL_ConFromAdm: Server started 68962496 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 68962496 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 68962496 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection 95320992 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 68962496 CTL_Work: Connection! 68962496 CTL_Work: Connection from admin 68962496 CTL_ConFromAdm: Generating key. Strength = 1344 103713696 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 starting 103713696 GEN_PrepareSieve: 160 sieving primes, ending with 967. 112106400 GEN_GM: *** Thread 1 starting 103713696 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 520 primes, ending with 9973. 128891808 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 starting 120499104 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 starting 112106400 GEN_PrepareSieve: 160 sieving primes, ending with 967. 103713696 COM_connect: 128891808 GEN_PrepareSieve: 160 sieving primes, ending with 967.152456096 GEN_GM: 112106400 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 520 primes, ending with 9973. 112106400 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 10 *** 112106400 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010081 *** Connecting fd 9 *** 103713696 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010080 103713696 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 12 *** 103713696 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020080 103713696 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 13 *** 103713696 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030080 103713696 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 14 *** 103713696 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040080 *** Thread 4 starting128891808 GEN_MakeFactors: 120499104 GEN_PrepareSieve: 112106400 COM_connect: 103713696 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 103713696 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 103713696 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 103713696 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 160 sieving primes, ending with 967.*** Connecting fd 11 *** 112106400 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020081 112106400 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 15 *** 112106400 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030081 112106400 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 16 *** 112106400 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040081 112106400 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 112106400 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 112106400 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 112106400 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 152456096 GEN_PrepareSieve: 160 sieving primes, ending with 967. Trial Division factors cover 520 primes, ending with 9973. 120499104 GEN_MakeFactors: Trial Division factors cover 520 primes, ending with 9973. 128891808 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 18 *** 120499104 COM_connect: 128891808 COM_connect_helper: *** Connecting fd 17 *** Peer id (outgoing): 01010083120499104 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010082 120499104 COM_connect: 152456096 GEN_MakeFactors: *** Connecting fd 19 ***Trial Division factors cover 520 primes, ending with 9973. 128891808 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 20 *** 120499104 COM_connect_helper: 152456096 COM_connect: Peer id (outgoing): 01020082128891808 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01020083 *** Connecting fd 21 *** 120499104 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 23 *** 120499104 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030082 120499104 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 24 *** 152456096 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01010084 128891808 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 22 *** 120499104 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040082 128891808 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030083 120499104 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 128891808 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 26 *** 152456096 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 25 *** 120499104 COM_set_state: 152456096 COM_connect_helper: 128891808 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040083 Peer id (outgoing): 01020084Cert peer ID NULL 128891808 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 152456096 COM_connect: 128891808 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 120499104 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 120499104 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL *** Connecting fd 27 *** 152456096 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01030084 152456096 COM_connect: *** Connecting fd 28 *** 128891808 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 128891808 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 152456096 COM_connect_helper: Peer id (outgoing): 01040084 152456096 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 152456096 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 152456096 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 152456096 COM_set_state: Cert peer ID NULL 23420123014112106400 COM_flush: Broken pipe 120499104 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 120499104 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM.COM_flush: Broken pipe 103713696 COM_flush: 120499104 GEN_BGW: 112106400 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 112106400 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 112106400 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in first sharing. 112106400 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 112106400 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 152456096 COM_flush: 112106400 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 112106400 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 10 *** 112106400 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 11 *** 112106400 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 15 *** 112106400 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 16 *** 128891808 COM_flush: Broken pipe Error sending G to all. Broken pipe120499104 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in first sharing. 120499104 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 120499104 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 120499104 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 17 *** 120499104 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 120499104 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 19 *** 120499104 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 23 *** 120499104 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 24 *** 112106400 GEN_GM: 120499104 GEN_GM: *** Thread 2 has died. COM_flush: Broken pipe 128891808 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 128891808 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 128891808 GEN_GenerateModulus: Modulus generation failed. 128891808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 18 *** 128891808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 20 *** 128891808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 22 *** 128891808 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 128891808 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 26 *** *** Thread 1 has died. COM_flush: Broken pipe 152456096 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 152456096 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 152456096 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in first sharing. 152456096 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 152456096 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 152456096 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 152456096 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 21 *** 152456096 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 25 *** 152456096 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 27 *** 152456096 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 28 *** 128891808 GEN_GM: *** Thread 3 has died. Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 103713696 UTL_SendToAll: Error sending BIGNUM. 103713696 GEN_BGW: Error sending G to all. 103713696 GEN_MakeSieveShare: Error in sharing number 3. 103713696 GEN_PickShares: Error making share. 103713696 GEN_GenerateModulus: Failed to pick private shares. 103713696 COM_flush: Broken pipe COM_flush: Broken pipe 103713696 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 9 *** 103713696 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 12 *** 103713696 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 13 *** 103713696 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 14 *** 152456096 GEN_GM: 103713696 GEN_GM: *** Thread 0 has died. *** Thread 4 has died. 68962496 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error in GenKey 68962496 CTL_ConFromAdm: Error-handler activated 68962496 COM_shutdown: *** Closing fd 8 *** 68962496 CTL_Work: ------------------------------------------------------------ 68962496 CTL_Work: Waiting for connection